Avoid These Kitchen Mistakes to Make Your Septic System Last Longer

If you've got a septic system, you'll naturally want to make sure it lasts as long as possible. There are plenty of ways to do this, and many of them revolve around your use of the kitchen sink. Here are just a few mistakes to avoid if you want your septic system to reliably last for years to come.

Don't Use the Garbage Disposal

Garbage disposals are used to shred larger pieces of food into smaller scraps that can enter your drain, but you should probably ditch yours if your kitchen waste flows into a septic tank. You might miss the convenience, but the truth is that those small scraps, while big enough to flow into a drain, can cause problems when they enter a septic system. Here's a good rule of thumb to follow: if you can put any food into the bin instead of sending it down the plug-hole, into the bin it should go.

Use Your Strainer

It isn't just the larger chunks of food that can cause problems if they end up flowing into your septic tank; unfortunately, smaller pieces are just as troublesome. This is why you always need to use a strainer or filter plug to make sure that scraps of food, coffee grounds, and other such items never slip down the drain. These solid particles shouldn't be allowed to fill up your system or stand a chance of causing a clog in one of the pipes.

Don't Pour Grease Away

Oils, fats and grease can seriously damage your septic system. Sure, they might be liquids when you've just finished frying your bacon or cooking your turkey, but they quickly congeal into a thick paste. When this happens, it isn't hard for clogs to develop within your system. Such clogs will greatly impact the system's ability to run properly and could necessitate costly repairs. Instead of pouring oils, fats, and grease down the sink or into the toilet, wait for them to harden and then wipe the solid remains into the bin.

Avoid Using Strong Cleaners Frequently

When cleaning your sink, there are times when you will need to use strong cleaners, such as bleach. However, you need to try to keep the frequency of such harsh cleanings to a minimum. Remember, those chemicals are fantastic at killing bacteria; that might sound good, but when too much enters the septic system it can kill the bacteria that helps that system to function. Use biodegradable cleaners most of the time to prevent this from happening.

About Me

Green And Clean: Septic Services And The Environment

Welcome. I'm Cedar and I have lived on a 400 hectare commune near the ocean my whole life. It was a fabulous way to grow up and I am happy to raise my children here. I'm a film-maker by profession, but my unofficial role here at the commune is to keep septic systems up to scratch. As someone who cares deeply about the environment, I know the importance of using the right systems and calling in expert services when necessary. Over the years, our commune has used both traditional and experimental systems. I've learnt that all systems need to be maintained, and I'm always on the lookout for better services. The topic of septic services usually doesn't creep into everyday conversation, but I'm sure there are others like me who need to have a working knowledge about this subject. I hope this blog gives you some ideas and assistance.

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